a week shy of the 6 month mark

Everyone says 'give it 6 months' or 'give it a year' well we are a week shy of our 6 month mark in Skopje and some miracles better start happening at lightening speed.

What has made this posts so hard? Surprise pollution, poor school, isolation, trash everywhere bothers me, poor hiring practices at the one place I can work, my emails to anyone and everyone go unanswered, the women's group really is not a thing, Girl Scouts will probably fold next year as I cannot stand the disorganization, sponsors that dropped us after day 1, and finally, not a single friend. That has been the hardest part.

So I will spend the next week hoping for some progress in at least one of these areas. I am always hopeful, but I am also trying to figure out how far the VSMA might go....

1 comment

  1. I'm sorry to hear - fingers crossed that this is the magic week that turns the corner!
